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Panduan Alipay DouYin

WePost menawarkan perkhidmatan yang menyokong pembayaran ganti rugi untuk Douyin (Chinese Tik Tok). Semasa membuat pembayaran, pilih opsyen pembayaran ganti rugi Alipay dan masukkan akaun pembayaran ganti rugi kami. Dengan cara ini, kami dapat membantu anda menyelesaikan pembayaran.

Kami menjamin perkhidmatan yang boleh dipercayai dan berkualiti tinggi, memberikan pengalaman yang cemerlang kepada pengguna. Prosesnya selamat dan mudah digunakan, jadi sila gunakan perkhidmatan kami dengan yakin.

Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi perkhidmatan pelanggan kami untuk bantuan.

Panduan grafik perkhidmatan membayar:


Pay an order for goods
First, go to Douyin and search for the desired item and choose the model as well as the quantity.


Choose payment method
Next, after jumping to the payment page (Please make sure that the warehouse information and the address is correct) select Alipay.


Send Payment Request
After that, go to the paypal page, choose to find a friend to help to pay and then enter 13902250232 (LOW GUI LIN)to send it.。


Go to WePost App to apply for Payment on Behalf
After sending, go to the WePost App and select the Payment on bahalf (You need to complete the real name verification before you apply for the service).


Waiting for application approval
After filling out and submitting the application, just wait for the relevant departments to review and approve it. (Please fill in your personal data carefully to avoid errors)

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