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Warehouse Location

In the shipment ordering process, users have to change the recipient address to the address of our china warehouse. Our warehouse is named “全民国际仓” ,where the address has recognised by Baidu, Tencent and Amap navigation system to facilitates courier service in China.

A detailed warehouse information can be found in the dashboard of our website for our registered member.

Recipient 张俊卿
Postal area 广东省 / 广州市 / 白云区 / 白云湖街道
Postal address 广东省 广州市 白云区 白云湖街道 夏花二路961号228仓 (WP ID) 导航:全民代运
Postcode 510450
Contact number 17139923700

warehouse-location  #代运仓库  #转运仓  #空运仓库  #马来西亚转运仓  #中国转运仓  #仓储服务  #集运仓  #中国集运仓  #货仓自取货  #天猫集运仓  #马来西亚集运仓  #taobao-warehouse  #淘宝集运仓  #海运仓库  #广州仓库  #仓库地址  #中国代运仓  #马来西亚淘宝转运仓  #中国仓库  #马来西亚代运仓  #集运仓库  #马来西亚拼多多转运仓  #马来西亚天猫转运仓 

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